Monday, February 11, 2008

The bottom line is waaaaay down

This whole trying to buy property thing is really really really stressing me out.
Mostly because it is so much money. And I have so very little money. And I honestly crunched numbers and it is going to take a lot of sacrifice to make this work. A lot.
Like no more personal trainer twice a month. Like no travel at all this year or any other time that somehow relates to soon. Very little eating out. Little to no new clothes. My list could go on but it just serves to depress me more.

But I still feel committed to taking this step, I still feel like putting my money towards property I own is better than throwing the same amount of money at a landlord. I just hyperventilate every time I look at the bottom line.

I very definitely need a roommate.

And I am going to have to either a)work more hours at my current job or b)get a second part time job.

Consider 2008 forward all about the scrimping and the saving and the finding free/cheap ways to entertain myself.

I just really hope it is as worth it as I think it is going to be.

And that I can keep up the positive affirmations and the faith that the universe is going to help me achieve my goals in a (mostly) affordable manner if I just believe hard enough.

1 comment:

The Doc said...

Fortunately, you are updating almost constantly now! Unfortunately, things seem to be going stressy. So I will say I will have to keep checking back and hoping that things turn around for you. Love you, babe.