Thursday, February 02, 2006


1. that I am an IDIOT for doing major leg workouts 2 days in a row (I blame BW)

2. that everytime I visit the Television without Pity website I am reminded how pissed I am that no channel that I get picked up Veronica Mars and although CTV will likely pick it up again for the summer season it was such a schmoz last summer that I am likely to be annoyed until I can get the entire season on DVD next Christmas.

3. that I need to stop getting 10 steps ahead of the game re: my meeting tomorrow (stop it)

4. that our new mail guy at work is really super cute. (no seriously. Super Cute) But I am not entirely sold on our "new" courier. I miss Kevin. He brought me a cinnamon bun.

5. I'm still thinking about the mail guy ...

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