Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I often have very vivid dreams which are remembered in varying amounts of detail the next day. Sometimes they are so disturbing that I have to sleep the rest of the night with my door open or my light on - because I am 5 and rendered afraid of the dark. Sometimes they seem so real that they are disturbing on an entirely separate level, like the dreams I have where I am sleeping beside some gorgeous hunk of a man and then when I wake up I look around and wonder where my boyfriend/husband is and usually say to myself "oh he must have had to work early today" and it takes me until I get into the shower to realize that it was just a dream and I have no boyfriend/husband and there is still 74.5 years to go on The Plan so shut up stupid dream. I have one recurring dream usually when I am super stressed and it involves me being in school but never actually going to class or doing my assignments and fully intending to drop my class and suddenly I realize that it is the day of my final exam or the day my final project is due and I am still enrolled in the class and man am I screwed. The funny thing is that I never had this dream while I was actually in school.

I just remembered the dream/half awake panic I had last night wherein I was desperately trying to remember the name of a former co-worker and I kept listing of names of people I currently work with and then reminding myself that I wanted the name of someone who used to work with me and then being convinced that her name started with the letter D and listing all the D names I could think of until I fell asleep again, lather rinse repeat. And I just remembered her name which is what brought back the dream to me and it totally does not start with the letter D at all. And I kind of wish that I could have had a good deep sleep instead of worrying about not remembering her name.

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