Thursday, June 12, 2008


I just got home from watching Sex & the City with my best girl B.

It made me think about a lot of things, not the least of which is that I have been living in my own head way too often these last few months and I need to push myself to get it out somewhere even if it is in half formed sentences and incoherent thoughts, even if it does make people realize that I have moments of incredible insecurity and am sometimes neurotic. I think most people who know me are already aware of both those things. Because living in my head makes what is in reality very small and insignificant seem larger than life and tremendously scary. So maybe if I talk about it the dragons in my head and the monsters in my closet will shrink down to a reasonable size.

But that is not what this post is about.

Watching Carrie and her girls on the big screen made me think about my girls. Women really. And the myriad ways in which they have touched my life, have shaped who I have become, have given me images of where and who I want to be. They come in many different packages, have many different titles - my sisters, my trio of trouble, my breakfast buddy, my smart and beautiful girls -, and bring many different things to my life. But what they all have in common is that they inspire me on a daily basis.

I am truly blessed to have so many women in my life who love me despite (or perhaps because of) my quirks and many failings. Who have seen me at my best and at my worst. Who have tried to save me from myself, and failing that, stuck around to put me back together when I finally pulled my head out of the sand. They have danced, sang, laughed and cried with me. They have let me share their special moments and have had a hand in creating many of mine.

I may want a man in my life, but I NEED my girls. At different times and in different ways but also at all times and in all ways.

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